Spirituality • Inspiring • Inner Peace
Release the thought system based on fear and embrace a thought system based on love.
It sounds simple. But the moment you crack open this hefty volume, you realize there is a lot of work to be done. Why? Because our collective consciousness has been steeped in fear for a loooong time. Before any of us were even alive on this planet. (At least in your current form.)
But each one of us makes a difference. By waking up to the fear we’ve allowed, learning, and choosing again, we create the space for our own our inner peace. It is from there, we create the greater change.
I purchased an ebook copy of this many years ago, but found having the paper text is important for the learning. The style of writing is dense, but once you get into the grove, you’ll connect with it. Take your time digesting it. When you feel full, pause and come back when you are ready for more. Stick with it and do the workbook exercises.